Cyprus crisis in photos (Cyprus Eurozone crisis pics)

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Cyprus the small European country is going through a rough phase with its financial crisis. It is looking at various options from bailout from EU which demands to impose tax on bank savings to loan from Russia. The world is eagerly looking at Cyprus financial crisis and all the major media houses are covering the news. Check out these photos that tell the situation in Cyprus.
Cypriots protest outside the parliament building in Nicosia Friday.
People of Cyprus protesting outside the parliament building in Nicosia on Friday (Image from )
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A queue at an ATM in Cyprus. (Image from )
People wait in line to use the ATM at a bank in the Cypriot capital Nicosia.
People queue up at an ATM to withdraw in Nicosia .Most of the banks have put a limit to withdrawals. (Image   from )

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A protester in tears at a rally in Cyprus. A condition by Eurozone ministers to bailout Cyprus and the situations in the country created chaos among the people. Cyprus is considering options for imposing tax  Of  upto 6.75 per cent on savings of  €20,000 and above, and a tax of 9.9 percent  on the savings above €100,000 to qualify for a bailout. 

A young Russian women protesting outside Cyprus parliament. There are many Russians living in Cyprus. According to sources Russians have huge deposits in Cyprus banks. (Image from )
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A women protesting in Cyprus ( image from ). Cypriots believe the EU creditors are treating them like guinea pigs with a idea like imposing tax on savings.
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Cypriots protesting in Nicosia. People are worried about the bailout conditions by EU. They are expecting their Government  to go for better terms on bailout.

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Banks in Cyprus are closed down untill Tuesday and many ATM's went cashless. Businesses are not accepting any cards for transactions. It looks like good olden days were more better where there were no banks and all this hell stuff.



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