Rebecca Black talks about 'Friday' on Friday

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The day has finally come (it's Friday, "Friday") for the Ministry to acknowledge the viral virility of Rebecca Black's song and music video of the same name.

After a week in hiding, the Auto-Tuned songstress -- whose producers insist she sang in key -- talked with "Good Morning America" on, you guessed it, Friday, about the "Why is this playing over and over in my head?" quality of her song.

"I think that's an accomplishment. Even a person who doesn't like it, it's going to be stuck in their head. That's the point of it. It's a catchy song," said Rebecca, 13.

The Orange County eighth-grader, who seems bred from Ke$ha and Kim Kardashian's musical mash-ups and looks slightly like Lea Michele, has been omnipresent on social media all week with reactions to her song, which goes a little something like this:

7 a.m. She wakes up. She needs her bowl and cereal. Then needs to get down to the bus stop. Then needs to make the really difficult decision of where to sit in the car.

"Kickin in the front seat, sittin' in the back seat, which seat can I take?"

Yes, those are the real words Black helped co-write with her record label, Ark Music Factory. Other words include "It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday." Gobsmacked? Watch it in all its low-tech glory above.

The video -- part of a $2,000 Ark package that her mom paid for -- has already topped 16 million views on YouTube, putting her on a similar success trajectory with Justin Bieber. FYI: The song sounds a touch like "Baby," and Black has a self-diagnosed case of Bieber Fever. The video, however, has spawned hilarious parodies that pretty much assist in justifying its existence.

The Anaheim Hills teen likely surprised a few people when she didn't do a terrible job singing a few bars from the national anthem on "GMA." (See video of the interview below.)

"I think I have talent on some level. I don't think I'm the worst singer, but I don't think I'm the best singer," she said.

(For the record, it took this Ministry writer three tries to get through the whole video. The days of the week have never sounded so daunting.)

"After seeing it go from 4,000 views to 70,000 views in one night and then waking up and it was at 200,000, that was when I realized it was going to be big," Rebecca added.

However, this 13-year-old is "big" mostly because of the backlash of online commentary -- including remarks that ask her to cut herself, get an eating disorder and die. But is there now possibly a backlash to the backlash? From comments on her Ark Music Factory profile page:

"Now that I know you're 13 I feel kind of bad. At least all those itunes purchases will pay for college, amirite?"

Is the song fun

, fun, fun or dreadful, dreadful, dreadful?



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